Friday 12th, Saturday 13th, Sunday 14th August 2022

This is Blake in Avalon

We will gather again to celebrate the artist and visionary William Blake. To read his poetry together at the Market Cross, to sing his words at Glastonbury Assembly Rooms, to listen to original, inspired works at Glastonbury Abbey, and to again evoke that unfathomable spirit which descends on our town when it is called.

Forever Blake

“Blake is everywhere but in the ground.”

A large crowd had gathered under the plane tree that had sprung from the head of Blake’s memorial in London’s Bunhill Fields Burial Ground. Hymns were sung and eulogies were expressed: “How Blake influenced my 1992 album”; “How Blake helped me through my dark days.” “How he enlightened my understanding of art.” “How he taught me to rebel.”

Away from the crowd, a lone figure sat painting, absorbed. We recognised him as a young artist who had quietly sat drawing at the first Glastonbury William Blake Festival held the evening before. We walked closer. He didn’t look up but instead turned his painting to show us. Sprites, elementals, and spirits swirled across gravestones and through trees as an ancient, mystical Bunhill Fields flowed from the canvas. “Blake is everywhere but on the ground,” he said, pulling the painting back under his gaze and continuing.

Friday 12TH, 2PM TO 4PM:

Market Cross, Glastonbury High Street:

The three days of celebration will begin on Friday, August 12th at the Market Cross at 2pm.
Bring your favourite Blake poem/s and present them with us to a backdrop of celebrated local musicians, improvising music
for two hours.
Come and recite your favourite.
If you know which poem you would like to read, please send us a message as soon as possible so that we can book in your slot.
This is not essential but helps us to plan and to prevent the same poem being read lots of times.
You do not need to be an expert! This is an interactive community recital for EVERYONE to have fun with, to enjoy, to get to know
Blake’s poems better.
Free event.


8PM (Doors open at 7pm):

The Assembly Rooms, our wonderful independent venue and site of the first Glastonbury artistic festivals after the First World War,
will host an evening of musical surprises with gifted musicians performing the poems of William Blake set to extraordinary music.

Behind the musicians will be projected an incredible art installation – a year of our “Magic Mountain.”`

 This evening will include Michael Law’s classic electronica piece, The Glass Isle, and performances by

some of Glastonbury’s finest.

Tickets are £10.00 adv. from The Speaking Tree.
These will be released on Wednesday July 27th.

* Dress code: Colourful and Inspired! *


Michael Law – Jenny Bliss – William Kraemer – Merlin – Mystics of Avalon – John Crow –
Lela Mae – Tim Gallagher – Pok – Snow White – Shee


Glastonbury Abbey, Magdalene Street:

Amidst the setting of the glorious Abbey, Glastonbury Poets and Bards will take us on an immersive journey into the world inspired by Blake,
including extracts from Patti Smith’s biography.

The usual Abbey entry rules apply. Free to those with Abbey passes.



The grand ballroom, upstairs at The George & Pilgrim Inn, 1 Glastonbury High Street:

The screening of Finding Blake, the outstanding documentary film by James Murray-White.

Here is a short preview:

By donation.

Have a look at the wonderful Finding Blake website, which has lots of inspiring information, interviews, and poetry.

Note that there is a very imminent plan to turn the magnificent and historic ballroom at the G&P Inn into hotel bedrooms.

Therefore, tonight is additionally an opportunity to spend time in this room, appreciating its unique atmosphere while we still can.


Free Event


£10 From Speaking Tree Bookshop


Free Event (Usual Abbey Entrance Fee Applies)

Tickets are on sale from
Speaking Tree Bookshop, 5 High Street, Glastonbury BA6 9DP.
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